From the classroom to the campfire: Offering summer learning with camps
Learn how to increase enrollments on Outschool by offering engaging summer camps to learners in the United States, the U.K., and East Asia.
Summer Camp

As an online educator, you’re probably wondering what classes to offer during the summer months. While we encourage you to list your popular semester classes, continue your recurring classes year-round, or use the time to create self-paced classes, we’ve got another suggestion…

Summer camp!

In this article, we’re looking at how you can attract learners in the United States, the U.K., and East Asia to expand your teaching business and grow your online teaching business.

Attract campers in the United States & U.K.

Summer is the perfect time to teach what interests you most. If you’re unsure what to offer, we suggest checking out our tips on creating captivating online summer camps for kids, staying on top of Outschool insights, or even asking current learners to share their favorite summer camp ideas.

On Outschool, academic camps such as English, math, history, and science allow learners to close knowledge gaps, get ahead, or tackle challenging topics not typically provided during the school year. 

STEM subjects like coding, robotics, and engineering, and creative classes like art, music, and theater provide self-expression and artistic exploration. 

Outdoor activities like nature exploration, gardening, and fitness classes offer a refreshing break from screen time while promoting physical well-being and environmental awareness. 

Language courses, cultural workshops, and global studies programs appeal to students interested in broadening their horizons and learning about different cultures and perspectives. 

Finally, specialized classes tailored to specific interests or hobbies, such as cooking, photography, or entrepreneurship, allow students to pursue their passions and develop new skills in a supportive and engaging online environment. 

Reach campers in East Asia

In 2023, we talked about how you can grow your summer enrollments in East Asia. While families from East Asia continue to grow, summer vacation in July to August is the highest peak season in East Asia. Families tend to book early, and the East Asia team starts promoting summer camp classes before June, so we suggest listing summer camp classes before the end of May. 

What families in East Asia are looking for

English level is an important indicator when families look for a class on Outschool. We suggest including the English level in your class title for easier discovery according to the CEFR 7-level guidance.

What about Australia?

Because Outschool is a global community, some learners are not on break during the Northern Hemisphere’s summer months (June, July, August). Australia, for example, starts the school year in late January or early February and ends in December for summer.

If you offer classes to learners in Australia, we suggest continuing to meet their academic and enrichment needs. 

What constitutes a “camp?”

Now that we’ve addressed how to reach and attract learners, it’s important that we also talk about what a virtual camp looks like.

First of all, the word “camp” has many meanings. Let’s look at a few and see which type is right for your classes.

  • There are boot camps, which are “short, intensive, and rigorous courses of training.” 
  • Core academic subjects such as English, math, history, or science focus on academic achievement.
  • As with in-person camps, virtual camps can also take learners outdoors, teach them a new craft, or share a common interest.

Keep in mind that you can use classes you normally teach during the school year to reach new learners. Families are still looking for core academic classes to help avoid the “summer slide.”  

How to list a camp

At the time of publication (April 2024), camps can be Courses or Enrichment & Clubs, not self-paced or one-time. That means that your camp listing can be recurring (no end date) or have a fixed date as long as there is more than one meeting. 

To have your class listed on the summer camps page, your listing needs the following:

  • Use of the word “camp” in the title.
  • 2 or more meetings per week (fixed-length and recurring). 
  • Fixed-length classes that run for 7 or fewer weeks.

Based on our research, camps that meet for 4 weeks or less best align with how families think of a camp – something to keep in mind when creating your camp listings.

Don’t take our word for it! Read about how these educators found success teaching during the summer:

Ready to get started? Create a listing and check out Outschool’s trust and safety tips for summer camps.

For more information on how to grow as an online educator and build your online teaching business, check out our Educator Library.

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