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Keeping enrollments: tactics to retain learners and build long-term relationships on Outschool
Keep families coming back with the first class five and proven strategies to hook both learners and parents.
Keeping enrollments: tactics to retain learners and build long-term relationships on Outschool

Retention is the magic that turns first-time enrollments into lifelong learning journeys. For educators, it’s about more than just teaching—it’s about creating an engaging, supportive, and dynamic experience that keeps learners and their families coming back. Here are some tried-and-true tactics to hook both learners and parents, ensuring they stay on Outschool and stick with you as their go-to teacher. 

The foundation: the first class five

The first class is a pivotal moment that sets the stage for long-term engagement. Parents and learners alike have certain expectations, and meeting these can make all the difference. Here’s a breakdown of the first class five—a checklist that ensures you’re hitting all the right notes:

✅ Genuine Enjoyment: “My learner says they liked it.” Create a fun, welcoming environment where learners genuinely enjoy themselves. Your enthusiasm is contagious—make your passion for the subject shine through.

✅ Active Engagement: “My learner was participating enthusiastically.” Use interactive activities that suit different learning styles. Implement guardrails for participation to involve even the most reserved learners. Visual cues like nods, Zoom emojis, or thumbs-ups help gauge their engagement.

✅ Expanded Knowledge: “My learner learned something new.” Parents want their learners to expand their knowledge. Go beyond the basics and introduce fresh, exciting concepts. Stay up-to-date with emerging online teaching practices and high-interest topics.

✅ Stellar Communication: “I received a post-class update.” Keep parents in the loop! After class, send personalized notes detailing each learner’s successes and areas for improvement. Share unique anecdotes to connect with the family by using the AI teaching assistant Note Maker tool right from your classroom page.

✅ Prepared to Learn: “My learner has the materials they need.” Clearly communicate the materials needed for your class. Send pre-class communications with alternative options to ensure all learners are prepared and able to participate fully.

Check out this recording to learn more about the first class five experience. 

Tactics to hook learners

💪 Make a great first impression by starting your first class with a fun introduction and an icebreaker. This helps ease first-class nerves and sets a positive tone for future classes. Use interactive elements like games, polls, and creative tools to make the first class engaging and exciting.

👂 Ensure consistent engagement by keeping the lessons dynamic with a mix of activities, discussions, and multimedia content. Regularly check in with your learners during and between classes to show you care about their progress and well-being.

➕ Use positive reinforcement by acknowledging and celebrating milestones and achievements, no matter how small. Boost confidence and motivation through encouragement and positive feedback.

👫 Build a community by encouraging group activities and collaborations to foster a sense of belonging among learners. Create an inclusive and supportive classroom culture where every learner feels valued.

Tactics to hook parents

✍🏽 Ensure clear communication by providing 1.) detailed class listings that outline what will be covered 2.) what materials are needed so families can properly prepare, and 3.) what parents can expect. Send a summary after the first class detailing what was covered and how the learner did. 

😍 Add personal touches by sending personalized notes to parents after the first class, highlighting their learner’s achievements and unique qualities. Be prompt and thoughtful in responding to any queries or concerns from parents

⭐ Send regular updates after each class summarizing what was covered, how the learner is progressing, and what’s coming next. Did you know there is a number of families that leave Outschool after just 7 days?* We’ve heard from parents that getting feedback after the first class helps keep them informed and helps reduce the number of families who stop attending classes within the first month. This approach works for any subject, even if it’s video games classes—parents appreciate knowing their learners had fun and collaborated well. Continue reading to hear more about the AI teaching assistant, Note Maker, and how you can use it to send quick feedback to parents. 

*From January 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024.

☝️ Offer flexible options by providing a variety of classes that cater to different interests and levels, allowing parents to see a clear path for their learner’s continued learning. Provide trial classes or sessions to give parents a taste of what to expect without a long-term commitment.

Curating learning pathways

Creating structured learner pathways can significantly enhance both learner and parent engagement from initial enrollment to long-term retention. Here are some effective Class Link strategies (bundles & sequences) we recommend you experiment with: 

Class Link #1: self-paced intro class → live class series

Example: Start with a self-paced introductory class designed to showcase your teaching style and content. Integrate this with a series of live classes within a Class Link. To encourage enrollment, offer a discount for those who complete the self-paced intro class and sign up for the subsequent live series. Even for self-paced classes, provide feedback to parents to keep them engaged.

Class Link #2: basic skills → advanced skills

Example: For a piano class series, bundle beginner, intermediate, and advanced piano classes. By offering a discount for the entire series, you create a seamless learning journey that encourages learners to progress through all levels.

Class Link #3: variations on a theme

Example: Include thematic classes like “Silly Science: Make Silly Putty” and “Outdoor Science Adventure: Mud, Dirt, and Worms.” Bundle these classes together and offer a discount for the entire bundle. This provides a cohesive and exciting learning experience that motivates learners to participate in both classes.

For more information on retaining learners with class funnels, read more here. By implementing these strategies, you can enhance visibility, drive enrollments, and improve learner retention.

Tools for retention

Outschool offers a variety of tools to help you retain learners and keep them excited about coming back. Here are a few tools you can use to help boost retention: 

  • Outschool just launched an exciting new feature: Class Links! This allows you to sequence and bundle your classes, making it easier for families to take multiple classes together. With Class Links, you can combine two or more class listings into one package. There are two types of Class Links you can create: bundles and sequences. You can read more about Class Links and how to create a bundle or sequence here
  • We heard your feedback! We’re thrilled to announce that our popular AI Teaching Assistant, Note Maker, is now available for all live group classes—not just for tutoring. 

How to Use the AI Teaching Assistant:

Step 1: Visit your classroom page and look for the “enrolled” classroom roster. A pop-up will ask how your learners did this week in class. Select the learner you would like to provide feedback for under “leave an update to parents”. You may notice that a new messaging tab in the coming weeks, eventually, the AI teaching assistant tool will move there. For now, you can follow the steps listed below.  

Step 2: A new pop-up will appear once a learner is selected. In the text box provided, add your feedback, summarizing the learner’s participation and engagement in class.

Step 3: Click on “Show me the magic” to generate your feedback. Review the AI-generated note for accuracy and tone, ensuring it meets our Community Standards.

Step 4: If the message is accurate, click on “send note to parent” when ready!

By implementing these tactics and structuring class funnels effectively, you can build strong, lasting relationships with both learners and parents, ensuring they stay engaged and invested in their learning journey on Outschool. Have feedback regarding this feature? We’d love to hear from you! You can email us your feedback at support+featurefeedback@outschool.com.

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