3 min read

2021 product update review
Have you explored all the new and updated features added to the Outschool platform over 2021?

In 2021, we launched and updated product features across our platform to improve the Outschool experience for educators. With feedback from the educator community in mind, we enhanced your capabilities for marketing, scheduling, and communication so you can spend more time focusing on doing what you do best: teaching inspiring classes for enthusiastic learners.

Outschool will continue to grow and adapt to the needs of our global community, and we know our work to improve our platform is never done. As we prepare for another exciting year of product developments, let’s look back at the changes you saw in 2021.

New features

Private Learner Notes

Save private notes about learners in your classes that help you facilitate deeper and more personal connections with learners over time.

Class Coupons

Educators can now use custom coupons to promote their classes. Check out this guide for tips on the strategy behind offering discounts and how to track your coupons’ performance.

Flyer generator

Advertise your classes with personalized flyers and QR codes that link directly to your profile or a specific course. Educators have come up with all sorts of creative ways to distribute flyers (like attached to holiday treats or placed in shopping bags at local businesses). Share what’s worked for you in the Educator Hub!

Learner @mentions

Bring learners into the conversation with @mentions in the Outschool classroom. When you “mention” a learner in a classroom conversation using the @ sign before their name, they will receive an e-mail notification that they have a message waiting. Learn more here.

Message search

Find messages more easily by searching for specific words and phrases within your Conversations tab.

Updates & improvements

Faster payouts

In response to feedback, we improved our Paypal payout process to ensure that educators could rely on consistent payouts sent early in the day.

Educator profiles

Improvements to the design and functionality of educator profiles have led to increased clicks and conversion rates from parents across the platform. Learn more about the changes to your profile’s header & video, class list, calendar, and mobile capabilities.


This year included several new scheduling features for educators – all geared toward making scheduling your classes as smooth as possible. We introduced calendar-based scheduling, the Bulk Add Meetings button, Duplicate Section button, and new auto-scheduling capabilities.

We hope these product updates helped enhance your experience teaching on Outschool this year, and we’re already looking forward to continuing to innovate new improvements in 2022.

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