3 tips for creating engaging, authentic videos to promote your courses
Learn tips for creating engaging course videos and get inspiration from other educators who have created their own.

It’s no secret that video has the power to captivate an audience. So we weren’t surprised when we heard that a course video is a key element that families and learners rely on to decide whether or not to enroll in a class.

We’re here to help you make a great first impression with families and learners, but we realize creating a video can be daunting for many of you. It’s optional to create a course video, but if you decide to create one, we wanted to share a few tips to make the process easier for you:

You don’t need to be tech-savvy or a video production superstar to create a compelling video

You can record a short clip that helps your class shine with just a phone or webcam! What’s most important is highlighting in a clear, compelling way who you are and what your class is all about. We’ve seen great videos that are simply 90-second recordings of the teacher speaking into the webcam or phone. If you want to put multiple clips together, we recommend iMovie for Mac and iPhone, or Video Editor for Windows PC.

Showcase what learning in your class looks like

If learners create or perform something in your class, video is a great way to show it off! They love seeing what they’ll be able to do after taking your class. Think about ways to showcase what the learning looks like in your class, but be mindful not to show any learners or personal information.

Speak directly to the learners

While your class details should speak to the adults, the video is an opportunity to get the learners excited about your course. We often hear from families that the “grown-ups” will save classes that seem interesting and then have their learner watch the course videos to pick a favorite. Videos are a chance to speak directly to the learners who are considering your class. Use words and tone that will resonate with your target age group.

We can’t wait to see what you create! If you have tips of your own or are looking for feedback and advice from other teachers, come chat with us in the Teacher Community.

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