Five tips for running a class buyout successfully
Class buyouts are different from your typical class. If your class is bought out, here are a few tips to run it successfully.

If you’re contacted by an Outschool user or team member about buying out your class, it can be really exciting. Unlike the typical class where you have multiple Outschool users enrolling their learners into your class, a class buyout means a single organization or user wants to schedule a private class for their learners.

Here are some helpful tips for running a class buyout so your learners get the most out of their experience:

  • Make sure to give clear expectations in your class listing. The Outschool team and partner use class listings to pick specific classes. Some partners only want classes with worksheets or supplies that are easy to find. Calling this information out clearly in your class listing (and in general, making sure your listing is up-to-date) will keep everyone on the same page and help ensure the class goes smoothly. If you can’t run a class at the requested time, let us know! We might be able to coordinate a new time that works better for you.
  • Keep an eye on your classroom to see who will be joining your class. Keeping a close eye on your learners as they enroll will let you know how many of your students are new to Outschool, how many are Outschool pros, and if there are any siblings in your class. If you want to know more about the group that has bought out your class, feel free to ask the Outschool team member who reached out to you! You might be able to customize the class to make it extra special once you know who will be joining.
    Launch class earlier for the newcomers. Many learners in a class buyout may be new to Outschool. We recommend launching class a few minutes early to allow them to get into the classroom, test their Zoom settings, and get ready for class.
    Don’t underestimate a good icebreaker. Even though your learners might already know each other, it doesn’t hurt to break the ice with a fun warm-up activity. Doing simple things like introducing yourself and reviewing class rules can help everyone get into a learning mindset at the beginning of class.
    Reach out to parents directly if you encounter any challenges. While class buyouts are usually facilitated by a single adult, parents are required to set up accounts for their learners in order to attend class. If there are any concerns or challenges that require parent communication, don’t hesitate to message the parent directly!

For more information on class buyouts or to opt into buyouts, please see this help center article.

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