2 min read

New and improved educator e-mails
Our updated email schedule means you’ll get the information you want when you need it most.

Published March 19, 2021. Some details included here may be out of date with current policies.

We heard from many of you that we could do better at communicating relevant updates. You told us you want more proactive communications that arrive on a predictable schedule and that you prefer to receive important messages via email. You also mentioned that it’s easy for information to get lost in our bi-weekly newsletter.

We’re excited to announce that we’re revamping our ongoing educator emails to be more focused on specific topics, easier to digest, and arrive at a regular cadence.

Below are a few informational emails that we hope you’ll be delighted to find in your inbox and that will help you be more successful on Outschool. We chose this cadence based on your feedback.

Marketplace Insights: Bi-weekly on Sunday
Learn about education industry trends, review results from our customer surveys, see the most requested classes, and other important data that can help you get more out of Outschool.

Product News: As needed for product announcements
Get the latest information about changes to the Outschool product experience. This includes announcements of new features and updates to existing features that will improve your Outschool experience.

Policy News: Every 4 weeks on Monday
Receive the latest news about changes to Outschool’s Trust, Safety, and Content policies. This includes new announcements and updates to existing policies to help you provide more meaningful learning experiences.

Professional Development Digest: Every 4 weeks on Wednesday
Stay informed about upcoming live learning sessions, new learning modules, and general tips for growing your teaching business on Outschool.

Community Scoop: Every 4 weeks on Friday
Tune in to what’s happening in the educator community, including upcoming events, key tips from other educators, and educator success stories.

As always, we’re so grateful for your feedback.

If you’d like to receive these emails, please make sure the “Occasional updates about Outschool” setting is turned on, within your Email Settings on the Profile & Settings page.

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